
Monday, February 6, 2017

1/20/17 Alphabetical Advice

A- Always say thank you
B- Be courteous to others
C- Care for one another
D- Don't judge
E- Expect the unexpected
F- Finish everything you start
G- Get a good paying job
H- Help others
I- interact wit others daily
J- joyful
K- Keep an open mind
L- learn
M- Make good friends
N- Never lose sight of your goals
O- overcome obstacles
P- practice
Q- quitting never gets you anywhere in life
R- respectful
S- Smile
T- Think before doing something
U-uncomfortable events may pay of
V- volunteer
W- win everything you do (try to)
X- x doesn't always mark the spot
Y- you can do anything you put your mind too
Z- zero in on what's important in life

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