
Monday, February 27, 2017

2/27/17 - Infographic Reflection

I knew nothing about infographics so I learned that they are a good, fun way to present something. Infographics are not supposed to have many words on them that way people wont have to read a lot. Its more showing charts and pictures that take the place of the words you would usually use. i liked creating my own. It taught me a new way to present something that wasn't all that hard. I would use an infographic when i am arguing two topics with a lot of data. I am using piktochart for my infographic. It is very user friendly and i would use it again.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

2/23/17 infographic

An infographic is a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data. Info graphics are used for a couple reasons. They are used to eliminate the use of words. Used to help get the information to the audience. They are more interesting a fun than reading the information in a paragraph. The best type of information to be displayed by an infographic would be comparing and contrasting two different things. Infographics help convey the message to the audience because they are fun and creative. Also they are able to get the message across without using words or as many words making it easier and more fun to view. If you need to display data either by itself or comparing it to another set of data infographics could be a good way to display it in a classroom. infographics are a fun and easy way to get a good information across about something. Here are some examples of infographics.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

2/16 "My Dream Business"

My Dream Business would be to own a high end restaurant in either San Diego, California because that is dream place to live or in Baltimore, Maryland because that is where I am from. I would call my restaurant "bet" because this term back in maryland means something is good and well I want people to know my restaurant is good, also it sounds good. My Restaurant would be a steakhouse since steak is my favorite food. It would be fairly expensive but you would get your moneys worth.

Monday, February 13, 2017

2/13/17 my weekend

On Friday Night My Sister drove all the way up from Tallahassee, Florida where she attends college at Florida State. She only told my step dad and kept it a secret from my mom and I so we were very surprised when she showed up at our front door. This was her first time here in Kansas since we moved so she had never seen the house or around overland park. On Saturday we showed her around the neighborhood and drove around to show her our new home. Also on Saturday our whole family switched to from Verizon to sprint so we got all new phones. On Sunday morning I had a baseball tryout with Mac n Seitz. This was my second tryout with them. I made the team but they were already strong in my positions so i wasn't going to get much playing time. Later that day i also had another tryout with Danny Jackson Elite baseball which i also made. This team is just as good but I will get more playing time because they aren't as strong in the positions i play. I chose to play with the Danny Jackson Elite team where I felt it was a better fit for me and where i can get better and exposed more than i can over at Mac n Seitz. Sunday night was my sisters last night here so we all watched a movie as a family. My sister left to go back to college this morning.

2/2/2017 Pictures

 when I went to Chicago for a baseball tournament the team and I all went to a Chicago cubs game against the mets. 
"The Mud Bowl" is a flag football tournament played in mud in freezing temperatures. It was games of 5v5 and there had to be at least one female on the field at all times.
This is a picture of me in Florida holding and kissing a alligator right before my tour of the everglades. I went to visit my grandparents last year in Naples Florida and they took me on the tour
This is a picture of me playing baseball, which is my favorite sport. This was at sports at the beach tournament back in Ocean City Maryland.

Friday, February 10, 2017

2/5/2016 - ET Course Reflection & Personal Report Card

Part 1: I do not have a grade in this class yet. I am still catching up on my blog posts so I do not have any of my grades in yet. My plan is to work to get the blog posts done and graded as fast as possible so I will be caught up with everyone else.

Part 2: personal report card
eating healthy: C
Procrastinating: A
Organization: D
Loosing things: A
Sports: A
Drinking Arnold Palmer's: A
Watching Netflix: A

Thursday, February 9, 2017

1/31/17 Words for Teenagers

I agree with some things that John Tapene said. I agree with him when he says " In other words grow up, stop being a cry baby, get out of your dream world and develop a backbone not a wishbone." Too many kids today expect everything to be handed to them in life and its starting to get to the point where nothing will ever be done because all people want to do today is have fun, not make a difference and have responsibilities. And i am a victim of this. I like to have fun a lot more than I like to have responsibilities and sometimes because of this i put of my responsibilities to have fun instead. But i feel that everyone should be allowed to have fun after taking care of our responsibilities because what is the point of living if you cant enjoy life.

Monday, February 6, 2017

2/6 "Collaborating Remotely" Reflection

In my experience on this project it was rather easy working with my partner without face to face communication. We were easily able to pick a topic and start working on on project. I think it would not be too difficult to do a professional project like this on a regular basis because with the technology we have you don't need to be with your partner to be able to work together on the project.

1/20/17 Alphabetical Advice

A- Always say thank you
B- Be courteous to others
C- Care for one another
D- Don't judge
E- Expect the unexpected
F- Finish everything you start
G- Get a good paying job
H- Help others
I- interact wit others daily
J- joyful
K- Keep an open mind
L- learn
M- Make good friends
N- Never lose sight of your goals
O- overcome obstacles
P- practice
Q- quitting never gets you anywhere in life
R- respectful
S- Smile
T- Think before doing something
U-uncomfortable events may pay of
V- volunteer
W- win everything you do (try to)
X- x doesn't always mark the spot
Y- you can do anything you put your mind too
Z- zero in on what's important in life